Ex-Children’s Librarian of Doom from southern Nevada. Currently I’m now working for the USU Special Collection’s department with a two year contract, helping to add metadata and transcriptions to the digital collections as well as a million other random things.

So far I’ve found Utah to be very cold.

I live in a basement. Everyone told me “No Seth, don’t take the basement!” but the only other rental option I could find at the time was the tent I keep in my car. Which is not so much a rental option as a tent that I keep in my car. It’s not great, but not as bad as you might think. The basement, I mean. I’ve never used the tent.

I have a cat. I found her in the library’s ventilation system as a newborn kitten. I saved her life. She hates me.

My current goal in life is to figure out what my goal in life before the two year contract is up. It will probably involve writing. It will probably NOT involve Utah, because Utah is very cold.

I like a lot of things you probably like. Let’s talk about our shared interests over waffles.

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